Get Beach Body Ready: Fat Blasting Cardio Workout

Fat Blasting Cardio Workout

Fat Blasting Cardio Workout

Jumping on the treadmill for the same amount of time day in and day out is going to result in plateauing, where your body stops responding to the same exercise and results come to a halt.But, we all want to get beach-ready as quick as possible and what better way than to revitalize your workout routine with this fat blasting cardio workout.

The goal is to get you you amazing results in as quick as 3-4 weeks.

As you know, cardiovascular exercise burns a ton of calories and further enhances your metabolism for the day. This is why a good cardio workout in the morning is particularly effective.

The trick to cardio is remembering that it’s not just about the treadmill or the elliptical. Cardio exercise can also be amplified by including weight training exercises such as push-ups, jumping rope, or any other weight-bearing exercise that keeps your heart rate up. Weight training is particularly effective in that it requires your body to rely on alternative energy systems (anaerobic) during short bursts of movement.

What’s more is that the best strategy to blasting fat in any cardio workout is to keep changing things up and introducing new exercises in your routine.

Cardio Workout to Boost Metabolism and Blast Fat!

Here’s your solution – an awesome cardio workout to implement twice a week to really improve your fat burning results. It combines a number of full body exercises with some interval training on cardio equipment to give you the challenge it needs (of course you can replace the treadmill with getting outside and running with varied paces as listed below).

This cardio workout should take you about 30 minutes.

  • 2 minutes warm up – jumping rope
  • 5 minutes moderate walking pace on treadmill
  • 2 minutes moderate jogging pace on treadmill
  • 2 minutes moderate walking pace on treadmill
  • 3 minutes fast jogging pace on treadmill
  • 5 minutes fast walking pace on treadmill
  • 1 minutes slow walking pace on treadmill
  • 1 set of 15-20 pushups on bench (view exercise)
  • 1 set of 25-30 bench step-ups (view exercise)
  • 1 set of 25-30 bosu ball stairclimbers (view exercise)
  • 1 set of 20-25 hip extensions (view exercise)
  • 1 set of 15-25 bicycle crunches (view exercise)
  • 1 set of 12-15 woodchoppers (view exercise)
  • 2 minutes cool down – jumping jacks

After this routine, make sure you spend about 5 minutes stretching. This will improve recovery and your overall muscle conditioning results.

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