The Best Workout for the Time You Have

The Best Workout for the Time You Have

Getting Your Workouts In

Surveys have shown that time is one of the biggest factors in exercise. In fact, one of the most frequent excuses people give for not exercising is that they just don’t have the time.

But time may not be as important as you think. When it comes to the physical benefits of exercise, most recommendations range from 20-30 minutes a day of intense physical activity. And what’s been surprising to even me is that if your goal is to tone up or build muscle, short workouts can still help you get there.

Also don’t forget that when it comes to the mental benefits of exercise, studies have shown that as little as 10 minutes of physical activity can improve your mood and help you deal with stress.  This one is undeniable and since it doesn’t have to be super intense just reminding yourself to go for a short jog or bike ride is key to breaking that guilt-feeling.

Regardless of your goals, you may have more than enough time to feel the impact!

Today,we’re going to review some of the best workouts you can get in on a tight schedule. I’ve organized these workouts by duration, so you can easily find a suitable workout to fit the time you have. I’ve also included some variety here, in order to satisfy all of your fitness goals.

Ready to stop using time as an excuse?

Find the Best Workout for the Time You Have

Can’t get over your lack-of-motivation?

First of all, if you’re still not able to get over your lack of motivation to get back into the groove of things, stop beating yourself up over it as it is not abnormal. Just put it into your calendar as if it was a dentist appointment you can’t miss.  Then 15 minutes before your appointment whip up a blended pre-workout drink like Essential Amino Energy or Vega Sport Pre-Workout Energizer and your lack of motivation will disappear into thin air. These are made to boost your adrenaline with pure forms of caffeine and other amino acids, and they are top sellers because they truly work.

Got 30 minutes?

Try my Total Body Workout in 30 Minutes. This workout involves a total body circuit that hits all of your major muscle groups. Whether it’s the beginning, middle, or end of your week, this quick workout will help keep you on track.

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