Saturday 6 July 2024
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Amazingly accurate biological clock may solve mysteries of aging

COLOGNE, Germany — For centuries, humanity has sought to unravel the mysteries of aging. What causes our bodies to change and decline...

Cutting calories could slow cellular aging and extend lifespan

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — Penn State researchers are adding new compelling evidence that ties dieting to aging. Their study looked at...

Coping Saves Lives: Men Who Finds Ways To Manage Stress Live Longer

BOSTON — We can’t always control what happens in life, but people are often capable of controlling how they respond. Coping...

Study: Regular brushing and flossing can help support brain health and protect against dementia

According to research, having a nice smile and healthy gums can help support brain health. Findings from a study published in the...

Study links midlife obesity and belly fat to cognitive aging

Obesity is linked to serious health problems like hypertension, coronary heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and stroke. But a study has found...

Study: Omega-3 fatty acids key to maintaining healthy brain function

Aging can be a scary part of life because it comes with an increased risk of health problems, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Although...

Study: “Zombie” cells in the body produce “cryptic” molecules linked to aging

In movies and TV shows, zombies are reanimated corpses that can bite living people and turn them into zombies. According to a...

Anti-aging miracle? Ultrasound therapy sound waves produce “fountain of youth” effect on cells

Maintaining good oral health key to preventing Alzheimer’s disease, reports study

An international study has found that brushing your teeth regularly can help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. In the study, researchers...

Maintaining good oral health key to preventing Alzheimer’s disease, reports study

An international study has found that brushing your teeth regularly can help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. In the study, researchers...