Saturday 6 July 2024
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Human bird flu treatment drug has interesting side effect – it makes people believe FALSE NARRATIVES

Big Pharma’s new “blockbuster” drug to address the avian flu plandemic has a rather interesting side effect: It makes...

Fauci says he has no faith that Russia’s COVID-19 vaccine is “safe and effective”

  Dr. Anthony Fauci, the functionary who has been in Washington, D.C., for decades pretending to be America’s “top...

The rush to patent, control, profit from the coronavirus dates back to 1999, implicates the CDC, Dr. Fauci

  The rush to patent, control and profit from coronaviruses dates back to 1999 and implicates the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)...

Fauci says he’s now pushing masks after previously saying they weren’t needed because of supply shortages

  Early on when the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic was first taking shape, Anthony Fauci told the American public that face...