Wednesday 3 July 2024
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Humongous stellar-mass black hole is the biggest ever found in Milky Way

Scientists have discovered an enormous stellar-mass black hole in our Milky Way galaxy that’s roughly 33 times more massive than our sun....

A gassy black hole might have burped out the largest cosmic explosion ever

Humans might fear the nuclear bomb, but it is not even a blip against what the cosmos can unleash. Take, for example, the gamma ray burst:...

Gravitational wave detector now squeezes light to find more black holes

Gravitational wave observatories, such as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), are exercises in extreme...

You saw the first image of a black hole. Now see it better with AI.

Astronomy sheds light on the far-off, intangible phenomena that shape our universe and everything outside it. Artificial intelligence sifts...

This supermassive black hole sucks big time

Black holes remain among the most enigmatic objects in the universe, but the past few years have seen astronomers develop techniques to...

Quantum computers can’t teleport things—yet

Last November, a group of physicists claimed they’d simulated a wormhole for the first time inside Google’s Sycamore quantum computer....

A newly spotted black hole keeps munching on a star the size of our sun

Just in time for spooky season, astronomers have detected a dark and hungry space monster. The newly spotted black hole named Swift J0230...

Astronomers used dead stars to detect a new form of ripple in space-time

Today, a humongous team of astronomers called the NANOGrav Collaboration announced something remarkable: the first evidence for a...

Explosive star ‘demolition derby’ observed for the very first time

Astronomers using the Gemini South telescope in Chile spotted an enormous energetic explosion coming from an ancient galaxy. This blow-up...

See the heart of the Milky Way as it’s never been captured before

We now have a better window than ever into the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way, and it’s filled with exploded stars, magnetic...