Saturday 6 July 2024
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Next phase of modern warfare: The development of neuroweapons that can control the human brain

The next great theater of war is no longer just about military might or economic control. Instead, it is about control over the human...

NYC sees a surge in TUBERCULOSIS cases amid influx of migrants

A significant increase in tuberculosis (TB) cases in New York City (NYC) raises concerns about the potential resurgence of this highly...

How to remain calm in stressful situations

Prepping can sometimes be stressful, but you need to be calm when disaster strikes, especially if you are the leader of your family or...

Heightened fears of nuclear war increase demand for potassium iodide worldwide

The heightened threats of nuclear war amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have spiked the interest of Americans to be prepared for such...

Black Lives Matter movement has opened the door to the destruction of America

  There’s no denying that America is a very different place than it was just a year ago, even if you discount the coronavirus...

Trump invokes Korean War-era legislation to instruct US industries to ramp up production of healthcare equipment as coronavirus outbreak deepens

  Responding without hesitation and using the full authority he has under law and the Constitution, President Donald Trump on...

Navy “floating hospital” to dock in New York – Cuomo

  A navy hospital ship will be deployed to New York to help the state deal with its ballooning coronavirus caseload, which it...

URGENT alert: Financial system collapsing, food supply collapsing, hyperinflation coming, guns and ammo wiped out, military martial law plans leaked… details

  Keeping this very short, as things are developing very rapidly. If you can’t handle the reality of this situation, don’t...