Saturday 6 July 2024
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What the final COP26 agreement really means

After two long weeks of discussion, dialogue, protests, and promises, COP26 in Glasgow has finally come to an end—with a lukewarm...

The truth about carbon capture technology

Climate change is on everyone’s minds this week, as world leaders convene at the 2021 United Nations COP26 Climate Change Conference in...

Roundup is finally going to be made without glyphosate in the US

Home owners in the US will soon have to fight weeds with a different version of Roundup. Bayer recently announced that it would change up...

Putting cows on a seaweed diet helps curb their methane burps

Hugo Kruip for Unsplash Expanding a cow’s diet to include a pinch of seaweed could go a long way in helping tame their burps and...


The insurance industry has been aware of climate change for a long time. The Munich Reinsurance Group first addressed the subject...

Climate change worse, faster than projected, scientists tell Trump in leaked report

It is abundantly clear that the Trump Administration does not believe in science. In its six months to date, it chose a climate-science...

Insurance industry seeks climate change support > Live Insurance News

After a year of record droughts followed by a year of record flooding, cooperation could be key. In the aftermath of the flooding that was...

Climate change insurance for Chinese farmers

Millions of growers have been persuaded by policymakers to cover themselves against losses from this phenomenon. Chinese farmers are more...