Saturday 6 July 2024
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SSRI antidepressant drugs are a SCAM: The “chemical imbalance” myth EXPOSED

You will never hear about it on television “news” because Big Pharma controls all the networks – just look at the commercials...

Health Canada is cracking down on natural health products, claims it’s all about “safety”

After spending the last four years censoring efficacious treatments for infectious disease and forcing deadly mRNA vaccines into the...

Psychiatry becoming a dead industry as opposition grows against APA’s corrupt DSM-5 diagnostic manual

For at least the past decade, there has been a movement afoot to eradicate the psychiatric profession, primarily based on criticism of the...

Same Forbes that pushed GMOs as safe is now attacking vitamin D, falsely claiming it’s dangerous 

The most effective, inexpensive and safe supplements that fight disease and infections are available to all Americans at any time, but the...

NAC supplement ban may not be enforced, FDA suggests

One of the more unsettling effects of Big Pharma’s COVID-19 cash grab was the demonization of supplements with a long record of safety...

Covid-19 will never be solved by today’s medical system because Western medicine has been engineered to profit from sickness

  Intelligent, skillful doctors and brave, compassionate nurses are doing their best to respond to the many challenges of the current...

The rush to patent, control, profit from the coronavirus dates back to 1999, implicates the CDC, Dr. Fauci

  The rush to patent, control and profit from coronaviruses dates back to 1999 and implicates the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)...

BREAKING: Confirmation that President Trump is NOT controlled by Big Pharma and is completely opposed to coercive vaccine mandates

  Today we bring you an important update and correction. I had previously voiced concerns about Trump promoting Big Pharma and the...

Secretary of State Pompeo slams WHO’s Tedros over “unusually close” ties with Beijing

  Secretary of State Mike Pompeo railed against World Health Organization director-general Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus over the...

UNBELIEVABLE: Senate Intel chair dumped over $1.7 million of stock a week BEFORE the market tanked … while downplaying coronavirus threat

  Following assurances to the public that the U.S. government was ready to hand the coronavirus, Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) unloaded a...