Saturday 6 July 2024
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Why essential oils are necessary additions to your emergency stockpile

In a survival situation, you might find essential oils an incredibly handy survival item to have around. Not only are they useful for first...

Honey: An amazing superfood with many health benefits

Honey is an amazing superfood that is full of nutrients and antioxidants. It also has antibacterial properties, making it a great addition...

Stock up on nascent iodine to protect your thyroid from radioactive iodine in case of a nuclear emergency

When preparing for disasters, it’s important not to focus only on food items and your emergency water supply. After all, when SHTF...

Prepper first aid: 10 Must-haves for your natural medicine first aid kit

When SHTF, whether due to societal collapse or a large-scale natural disaster, you will realize that going on a quick trip to the nearest...

An essential guide to HEATSTROKE

Natural alternatives to OTC drugs for your survival medicine cabinet

An essential component when it comes to building your preparedness arsenal is stocking up on over-the-counter (OTC) drugs that effectively...

Prepper medicine: 9 Medicinal herbs to plant in your home garden

There are thousands of medicinal plants out there, but the nine herbs listed below can provide most of what you need to create a backyard...

Treat symptoms of colds and flu with fernleaf biscuitroot – a medicinal herb used by Native Americans during the 1918 influenza epidemic

If you’re trying to avoid the adverse effects of over-the-counter medication for the common cold and the flu, consider...

Survival medicine: The medicinal uses of Epsom salts

Epsom salt, or magnesium sulfate, is commonly used to make warm, soothing baths. But when SHTF, you can also use Epsom salt for various...

Herbal remedies: How to use jimsonweed for natural healing

Knowing how to use herbal remedies is an important prepping skill, but you also need to learn about an herb’s pros and cons so you...