Monday 8 July 2024
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Chlorine dioxide found to halt African swine fever virus: STUDY

Chinese researchers published a study in the Frontiers journal Veterinary Infectious Diseases showing that miracle mineral supplement...

Vietnamese PM: Next two weeks critical for stamping out new coronavirus wave

  After six months of being one of the few countries without a COVID-19 related death, health officials in Vietnam reported the...

Top US scientist questions Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine claims

  On Wednesday, one of America’s top scientists said that the government shouldn’t count on a successful...

Walmart: Demand for household essentials went up as people stockpiled during lockdowns

  “Unprecedented demand” for household essentials in the middle of coronavirus lockdowns has caused sales to spike, according to...

Flashback: China shills at WHO served as propagandists for Beijing by repeating lie that coronavirus wasn’t “contagious”

  As of this writing, the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), which originated in the Chinese city by the same name, has spread to some...