Saturday 6 July 2024
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Health Canada is cracking down on natural health products, claims it’s all about “safety”

After spending the last four years censoring efficacious treatments for infectious disease and forcing deadly mRNA vaccines into the...

YouTube goes scorched Earth against nutrition, superfoods and natural medicine, announcing new policies targeting so-called “medical misinformation”

YouTube has created a new framework to crack down on so-called “medical misinformation” on the platform. “In the years...

FDA claims it will “save lives” by silencing speech online, making sure no one is allowed to talk about natural medicine, prevention or cures

One of the number-one priorities of the Biden regime’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is to combat “misinformation”...

Citizen journalist arrested by Chinese authorities for reporting on the coronavirus

  A citizen journalist who traveled to Wuhan to report on the coronavirus outbreak was recently arrested by Chinese police. Zhang Zhan...