Saturday 6 July 2024
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Ancestry and the National Archives are digitizing tens of millions of records

The National Archives is partnering with the genealogy company Ancestry to digitize and index tens of millions of US records related to the...

Cutting calories could slow cellular aging and extend lifespan

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — Penn State researchers are adding new compelling evidence that ties dieting to aging. Their study looked at...

Gene-edited pigs immune to deadly virus could arrive on farms by next year

US farmers are closer than ever to raising genetically edited pigs immune to one of the animal’s deadliest diseases. But while millions...

23andMe says a data breach affected nearly half of its 14 million users

A data hack affecting 23andMe users is reportedly far more severe than what representatives first admitted to earlier this year. Although...

Spider silk stronger than Kevlar spun by an unlikely source

Researchers have coaxed common silkworms to spin a more durable, eco-friendlier spider silk—all it took was a few genetic modifications...

The final missing piece of the human genome has been decoded

Despite its macho connotations, the Y chromosome is among the tiniest of the 46 chromosomes in the human genome. It makes up only 2 percent...

‘Brainwashing’ parasites inherit a strange genetic gap

Deep beneath our feet almost anywhere on the planet, there are parasitic spaghetti-like puppet masters known as horsehair worms or gordian...

Cells have some clever tricks for copying DNA

This article was originally featured at Knowable Magazine. Every person starts as just one fertilized egg. By adulthood, that single cell...

Scores of critical lab tests fall into a regulatory void. The FDA is trying to close it.

This article originally published on ProPublica. ProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story...

Men lose Y chromosomes with age, and it might increase their risk of bladder cancer

When urologic oncologist Dan Theodorescu thinks about his 25 years of research on bladder cancer, he remembers being in a flow. “When you...