Wednesday 10 July 2024
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First half of sleep resets the brain — but what does the second half do?

LONDON — Humans have three basic needs for survival: food, air, and sleep. Having a good night’s rest is essential for the brain to...

What do famous paintings look like to people with glaucoma?

LONDON — Some of the United Kingdom’s most famous paintings have been altered – to show what they’d look like to...

COVID-19 boosters provide nearly double the protection of original shots

TORONTO — When it comes to long-term COVID immunity, new research out of Canada suggests boosters are better than your original...

What Are The Top 7 Best Teas For Sore Throats, According To Reviews?

Ah, the dreaded sore throat. That scratchy, sandpapery sensation that turns swallowing into a battlefield and makes even a whisper feel...

Environmental toxins may be triggering different types of Parkinson’s disease

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Nearly one million Americans are suffering from Parkinson’s disease. The brain disorder can cause...

Always have to pee? There’s an app for that — at least for men

PARIS — When you gotta go, you gotta go. But when you feel like you gotta go all the time, it can be painful both physically and...

Male Menopause, Or Andropause, Is Real — And May Pose Serious Risk To Heart Health

Is “male menopause” a real thing? It sure is. It’s called “andropause.” However, you may not have seen or heard much about it. At...

Using Computers For Leisure And Fun Linked To Erectile Dysfunction

SHANGHAI, China — Sitting in front of a computer all day may be making men impotent. A new study has found that it’s not just...

Best Natural Toothpaste: Top 7 Brands Most Recommended By Experts

In addition to ensuring fluoride is in your toothpaste, it’s also probably a good idea to consider what other ingredients are in your...

Oral Health & Heart Disease: The Alarming, Often Overlooked Connection

Good oral hygiene is commonly associated with a bright smile and healthy gums, but its benefits extend beyond the mouth. A growing body of...