Saturday 6 July 2024
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Study suggests your gut microbiome shapes your personality

Following a nutritious diet is important for your overall well-being. And according to a study published in the journal Nature, what you...

Study: Proper hydration found to reduce long-term risks for heart failure

A study conducted by researchers from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that drinking enough water daily can help reduce...

Study reveals insufficient sleep linked to increase in unhealthy abdominal fat

Not getting enough sleep can make you feel grumpy and tired the next day. But did you know that insufficient sleep can also cause an...

Doctors Hotze and Rogers promote wellness program over pharmaceutical drugs to fight diseases – Brighteon.TV

Throw away those pharmaceutical drugs. There’s a better and cheaper way to nurture the body back to health – a wellness program....

Dr. Peter Glidden tells Dr. Lee Merritt: The human body needs 90 essential nutrients to stay healthy – Brighteon.TV

Dr. Peter Glidden told “Merritt Medical Hour” host Dr. Lee Merritt that the human body needs 90 essential nutrients to stay...

Vitamin D found to help reduce COVID-19 risk and severity

Since the outbreak of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, several articles have discussed the potential of vitamin D to reduce...

Study explains how diet, exercise and the endocannabinoid system contribute to healthy aging

Researchers define the human endocannabinoid system (ECS) as a complex cell-signaling system that plays an important role in the...

Nature and longevity: Living near green spaces found to promote public health

City dwellers living near green spaces may have a lower risk of dying early, according to a recent review by the Barcelona Institute for...

Gut bacteria can help fight the harmful effects of processed foods like cereals and pasta, scientists find

Research shows how a certain bacterium found in the human gut can break down a chemical commonly found in processed foods, such as...

Stress can make you crave unhealthy foods, study finds

A recent study by researchers from Australia found that tense or stressed people have greater cravings for fast food, sweets and other...