Saturday 6 July 2024
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Researchers say taurine trains your gut microbiota to resist subsequent infections with the same pathogen

Your gut microbiota helps shield you from infections, and for the longest time, scientists have wondered how. A new study published on...

4 Nights of sleep deprivation can change how your body metabolizes fat, causing weight gain

Lack of sleep is thought to cause weight gain. This new research shows how. Published in the Journal of Lipid Research, it showed that...

Don’t overdo it: Extreme physical exertion linked to impaired decision-making

Regular exercise is essential for good health. Too much exercise, however, can tire out the brain and cause mental fatigue associated...

Standing straight on your head does not actually increase blood flow

Yoga is an age-old mind-body practice that promotes the body’s natural ability to heal. It also helps an individual build strength,...

Headstand yoga DOES NOT increase blood flow to the brain, study finds

Researchers from Russia and the U.S. investigated the effects of Sirshasana (headstand) on the flow of blood to the brain. Their findings...

Study: Link between persistent headache and back pain may be key to a shared treatment for both conditions

Persistent headaches may be linked to persistent lower back pain, revealed a study published in the Journal of Headache and Pain. The...

The coronavirus may actually be a vascular – and not a respiratory – disease

  The symptoms of COVID-19 may very well be eldritch horrors. In most cases, it can appear as cough, fever, chills and headache. But...

Moderate sunbathing helps lower mortality risk, suggest researchers

Sunlight, like red wine, can be good or bad for your health, depending on how much you get. While drinking moderate amounts of red wine...

Moderate sunbathing helps lower mortality risk, suggest researchers

Sunlight, like red wine, can be good or bad for your health, depending on how much you get. While drinking moderate amounts of red wine...

Learned behavior and medication: Study reveals administering cortisol after exposure therapy is NOT beneficial for patients with anxiety

Occasional anxiety can be considered a part of everyday life, but for people with anxiety disorders, the anxious feeling doesn’t go...