Saturday 6 July 2024
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Deceitful tactics by artificial intelligence exposed: ‘Meta’s AI a master of deception’ in strategy game

Paper: ‘AI’s increasing capabilities at deception pose serious risks, ranging from short-term, such as fraud and election...

Can animals count? Scientists discover math skills are not just for humans

HONG KONG — Can animals count? Numerical acumen has long been seen as a distinctly human ability. However, a game-changing discovery...

Study: Having pets helps slow cognitive decline among the elderly

Some people own pets for companionship or because they need a guard dog. But regardless of the reason for having a pet, a study has found...

The bigger your brain, the better your cognitive performance: Study

For decades, scientists have been trying to answer the age-old question of whether or not the size of the human brain correlates with...

How Can Humans Keep The Upper Hand On Artificial Intelligence?

In artificial intelligence (AI), machines carry out specific actions, observe the outcome, adapt their behavior accordingly, observe the...

Senate intelligence panel could seek to declassify documents; it just doesn't

Senate intelligence panel could seek to declassify documents; it just doesn't telephone WASHINGTON — Outspoken members of the...

US overhauling intelligence access to try to prevent another Snowden

Access, SETsquared, University of Bristol Image by jisc_infonet Access security on individual office spaces within the SETsquared Bristol...