Saturday 6 July 2024
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The ADHD rate of U.S. schoolchildren is now 1 in 9, as underlying issues go ignored

According to a new analysis, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has exploded since 2016. Approximately 7.1 million children...

Surgeon General: LONELINESS has risks “comparable to smoking”

While loneliness may not seem like such a serious problem, U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy believes otherwise. He described...

Survey reveals mass mental illness in Gen Z, with 57% of young people now taking medication just to cope

After facing two and half years of lockdowns, restrictions, fear propaganda, isolation, and harmful mandates, the young and aspiring...

The unthinkable has happened: DCFS removes child from home because the parent had covid-19

  The LA County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) successfully convinced a judge to remove a child from a home because...

The US government thinks that fighting coronavirus requires spying on your phone’s data

  As it turns out, the United States government is looking at a new potential tool to be used in the fight against the ongoing...

California Gov. Newsom warns 25 million could be infected in 8 weeks, which would lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths in California alone

  The Governor of California has declared that current projections put the state on track for 25.5 million Californians to be infected...

Noted investor warns Trump if he doesn’t “shut down” entire country for 30 days due to coronavirus we will lose “America as we know it”

  While a number of experts have already warned that the impact of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) on the United States is expected...

What is social distancing and can it prevent the spread of coronavirus?

According to Bruce Aylward, a World Health Organization (WHO) epidemiologist who led a mission to China, new cases of coronavirus...