Saturday 6 July 2024
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Study finds suicide risk 12 times higher following genital mutilation

A recent publication in Cureus reveals that individuals who have undergone gender-transition surgeries face a significantly higher risk of...

People who got COVID jabbed now displaying major personality changes stemming from vaccine-induced neurological damage, experts warn

At an International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC) session held earlier this month, a handful of experts on the subject, many whom...

Children who get body-butchered to become “trans” require MORE anti-psychotic drugs post-transition, study finds

One of the claims often parroted by LGBTs and their “allies” purports that gender dysphoric children who undergo life-altering...

Destroying children’s bodies to affirm their made-up LGBT gender delusions has zero basis in medicine

The nonprofit group Sex Matters found that LGBT “care” has no basis in medicine or science. Even in children who want it really...