Saturday 6 July 2024
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China is en route to collect first-ever samples from the far side of the moon

China launched its uncrewed Chang’e-6 lunar spacecraft at 5:27 PM local time (5:27 PM EST) on Friday from the southern island province of...

China compiled the most detailed moon atlas ever mapped

If we want to establish a permanent human presence on the moon, we need more detailed maps than the existing options, some of which date...

Smooth lava lake on Jupiter’s moon sizzles in NASA aerial animations

NASA’s Juno mission scientists have used complex data collected during two flybys of Jupiter’s third largest moon Io to create...

Daddy long-legs-inspired robot could one day squirm through Martian caves

Robotic engineers are no stranger to turning to nature for inspiration. In recent years, birds, dogs, extinct sea creatures, and even...

NASA wants to measure moonquakes with laser-powered fiber optic cables

Even without any known active tectonic movement, the moon can still rumble. Its dramatic thermal changes, miniscule contractions from...

Japan and NASA plan a historic lunar RV roadtrip together

Japan has offered to provide the United States with a pressurized moon rover—in exchange for a reserved seat on the lunar van. Per NASA,...

It’s on! Three finalists will design a lunar rover for Artemis

NASA has announced three finalists to pitch them their best moon car ideas by this time next year to use on upcoming Artemis lunar...

NASA is designing a time zone just for the moon

What time is it on the moon? Well, right now, that’s somewhat a matter of interpretation. But humanity is going to need to get a lot more...

Japan’s SLIM moon lander survives a second brutal lunar night

SLIM, Japan’s first successful lunar lander, isn’t going down without a fight. After making history—albeit upside down—in January,...

This is the most cosmically perfect time in history

What’s the weirdest thing you learned this week? Well, whatever it is, we promise you’ll have an even weirder answer if you listen to...