Saturday 6 July 2024
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These wearables might protect astronauts from space ‘death spirals’

There’s an aviation term called the “death spiral”—when pilots’ skewed sensory perceptions contradict the accurate readings...

Titanium-fused bone tissue connects this bionic hand directly to a patient’s nerves

Adjusting to prosthetic limbs isn’t as simple as merely finding one that fits your particular body type and needs. Physical control and...

Neuralink’s human trials volunteers ‘should have serious concerns,’ say medical experts

On Tuesday, Elon Musk’s controversial brain-computer interface startup Neuralink announced it received an independent review board’s...

Neuralink is searching for its first human test subjects

Neuralink, Elon Musk’s brain-computer interface startup, is seeking human volunteers to participate in its first clinical trial. In a...

Human brains have to work overtime to beat robots at Ping-Pong

Dealing with humanoid robots in their current iterations often seems a bit uncanny—the technology feels vaguely like us, but comes up...

What video game-playing mice taught neuroscientists about memory-making

If you give a mouse a video game, scientists can learn quite a bit about the mind. More specifically, mice playing virtual reality video...

Scientists made a Pink Floyd cover from brain scans

If you think of Pink Floyd’s classic track “Another Brick in the Wall (Part 1),” chances are you will instantly hear that iconic,...

First-of-its-kind AI brain implant surgery helped a man regain feeling in his hand

On July 18, 2020, a diving accident injured a man’s C4 and C5 vertebrae, resulting in a total loss of movement and sensation below his...

What causes motion sickness—and how to avoid it

Back in the late 19th century, some thrill-seekers got their kicks by riding what was called a haunted swing. This appeared to be a normal...

Psychedelics and anesthetics cause unexpected chemical reactions in the brain

The brain is the most complex part of the human body. To keep our heads running smoothly,  more than 100 types of neurotransmitters...