Wednesday 10 July 2024
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Jacinda Ardern to put all New Zealanders who test positive for coronavirus into quarantine camps

  The final endgame to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) plandemic is finally coming into view, with New Zealand serving as the...

ORWELLIAN CAMPUS: Universities encouraging students to report peers who aren’t following COVID-19 guidelines

  In an effort to stem the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) on campus, universities throughout America are asking students...

Big Brother caught watching: Norway pulls coronavirus contact tracing app due to privacy issues

  Norway is halting the use of an app designed to help trace the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus after the country’s data...

SNITCH POWER TRIP: An overzealous reporter in Hawaii has formed a neighborhood spy network to catch COVID-19 quarantine breakers

  With its natural beauty and amazing weather, Hawaii attracts millions of visitors each year from all across the globe. While tourism...

The US government thinks that fighting coronavirus requires spying on your phone’s data

  As it turns out, the United States government is looking at a new potential tool to be used in the fight against the ongoing...

URGENT alert: Financial system collapsing, food supply collapsing, hyperinflation coming, guns and ammo wiped out, military martial law plans leaked… details

  Keeping this very short, as things are developing very rapidly. If you can’t handle the reality of this situation, don’t...