Saturday 6 July 2024
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Food storage tips: How to keep pests out of your survival stockpile

It takes a lot of time and money to prepare a survival stockpile and the last thing you want is for various pests to get into your food...

Prepper sanitation: Preventing bed bug infestations with natural remedies

Bed bugs don’t cause diseases, but an infestation can cause itchy bites that may eventually get infected. Prevent bed bug...

Prepper sanitation: Preventing bed bug infestations with natural remedies

Bed bugs don’t cause diseases, but an infestation can cause itchy bites that may eventually get infected. Prevent bed bug...

SHTF pest control hacks for lice, mosquitoes and ticks

Something as simple as a mosquito bite can lead to a serious, life-threatening disease. Therefore, it’s important to know how to...