Saturday 6 July 2024
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Starting in July, ‘988’ will direct people to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

In July, the Department of Health and Human Services (HSS) is launching a new dialpad shortcut for people looking to access the National...

HTC EXODUS | The Crypto Phone

THE HTC EXODUS 1 Rebuilding the Internet: We believe we can rebuild the Internet together by empowering the people to own their own...

Hate The Notch? You Should See Next Year’s Phone Display Design Solution For It

It used to be that nothing was certain but death and taxes, to quote Benjamin Franklin (who wasn’t actually the first to point this...

Put Down Your Phone or This App Will Destroy (Virtual) Towns

I’ve been traveling a lot on business recently, which always impacts my sleep routine. A combination of unfamiliar night noises in...

You’ve been charging your phone completely wrong – here’s how to do it right

I do a number of things before I go to bed – I clean my teeth, I get a glass of water, I plug my phone in to charge overnight and I...

You’ve been charging your phone completely wrong – here’s how to do it right

I do a number of things before I go to bed – I clean my teeth, I get a glass of water, I plug my phone in to charge overnight and I...

Dear thieves: Take my wallet, not my phone

Hey person about to forcibly take my valuable goods through threat of harm, I have a very important request for you. I’m asking this...

Are you satisfied with your phone?

A couple of days ago I took my mom out to dinner (yes, it was a late Mother’s Day dinner), and before the food came out she was on...

Are you satisfied with your phone?

A couple of days ago I took my mom out to dinner (yes, it was a late Mother’s Day dinner), and before the food came out she was on...

Would you buy a phone with a slide-out secondary screen?

Lurking around the Internet today, you may have come across the same information that I did on Twitter from @evleaks regarding an...