Saturday 6 July 2024
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Are ‘mother trees’ real?

In the forests of British Columbia, where recent wildfires have sent smoke across borders and dimmed blue summer skies, a series of studies...

How to make items for personal hygiene in a survival scenario

Personal hygiene may be the last thing on your mind when facing a survival situation, but it is more than just looking nice and smelling...

Planting cucumbers early can help farmers avoid downy mildew, reveals study

Farmers who grow cucumbers in South Carolina experience huge crop losses every year due to a plant disease called downy...

Many invasive plants have medicinal benefits

Anyone who has ever gardened can tell you how upsetting it is to have your efforts thwarted by invasive plants. It’s a very frustrating...

4 ways plant protein is healthier than animal protein

It’d be great if a burger-a-day diet was healthy. Don’t get me wrong—it’s not the worst. You’ve got protein in there and...

This incredibly rare orchid survives by making male beetles horny

J Hardwick Plos OneBiologists thought Disa forficaria orchids went extinct twice. Once in 2018, when a single specimen was found after 52...

Bee populations beginning to thrive as coronavirus lockdowns result in better environments due to fewer cars and less air pollution

  One unexpected development due to the global coronavirus pandemic is its positive effects on the world’s bee populations....

Apples contain about 100 million bacteria, but organic apples are still good for gut health and the environment

A recent study in Frontiers in Microbiology showed that apples can contain as many as 100 million bacterial cells – and that organic...

Flower power: 13 Reasons why plants can improve your mood

Plants do more than beautify your lawn or living room. As a bonus, taking care of houseplants can also help promote mental health....

Synthetic biologists pave way for genetic circuits

In electronics, even the most advanced computer is just a complex arrangement of simple, modular parts that control specific functions; the...