Wednesday 3 July 2024
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The buzz behind bees: Essential allies for survival and prepping

Bee pollen is produced by combining honey, enzymes, flower pollen, nectar, wax and bee secretions. Foraging honey bees collect pollen from...

5 Toxic ingredients that can be found in common cleaning products

In order to live a healthy lifestyle, you need to keep your home environment clean and free of harmful pollutants and toxins. Most people...

5 Toxic ingredients that can be found in common cleaning products

In order to live a healthy lifestyle, you need to keep your home environment clean and free of harmful pollutants and toxins. Most people...

Why freeze-drying is the best food preservation method

Freeze-drying (lyophilization) is a food preservation process where food is quickly frozen. Next, the ice turns into water vapor and is...

Buyers beware: Turmeric products are often contaminated with lead

When buying supplies for your stockpile, it’s important to do so from trusted sources that offer lab-verified organic products. This...

Exploring the best natural sweeteners to enhance your survival stockpile

The average prepper will likely have a decent supply of non-perishable ingredients and canned goods in their pantry. But you also need to...

Stock up on nascent iodine to protect your thyroid from radioactive iodine in case of a nuclear emergency

When preparing for disasters, it’s important not to focus only on food items and your emergency water supply. After all, when SHTF...