Saturday 6 July 2024
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The ADHD rate of U.S. schoolchildren is now 1 in 9, as underlying issues go ignored

According to a new analysis, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has exploded since 2016. Approximately 7.1 million children...

Using Computers For Leisure And Fun Linked To Erectile Dysfunction

SHANGHAI, China — Sitting in front of a computer all day may be making men impotent. A new study has found that it’s not just...

Your Smartphone Isn’t Draining Your Brain After All

SINGAPORE — That shiny new smartphone in your pocket has become an integral part of modern life. We use our phones for everything...

Study finds direct correlation between increased screen time for toddlers and delays in language development

A recent study conducted by the Telethon Kids Institute in Australia has found a direct correlation between increased screen time for...

Less drama and fewer distractions: Minnesota middle school students happier after smartphone ban

Too much screen time is bad for young students, but it looks like a middle school in Minnesota has found a way to address the issue....

Study: Childhood inactivity and screen time linked to heart damage in young adults

The average American spends as much as seven hours in front of a screen every day. But according to a study presented at the European...

Screen time linked to developmental delays in young children

Some parents often entertain bored kids with smartphones or tablets, but a study has revealed that screen time may be linked to...

More children are now suffering from eye disease that commonly affects older adults

More and more children, sometimes as young as six, are suffering from an eye condition that usually only affects older adults. Dry eye...

Scientists find link between excessive screen time and increased rate of depression in teens

A study conducted by researchers from the University of Montreal (UdeM) in Canada found significant evidence to suggest that teenagers...

How to Control Kids’ Screen Time on Android Tablets

While Android smartphones and tablets can be brilliant ways to entertain, educate, and keep your children safe, they do have the...