Saturday 6 July 2024
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NASA wants to measure moonquakes with laser-powered fiber optic cables

Even without any known active tectonic movement, the moon can still rumble. Its dramatic thermal changes, miniscule contractions from...

The history-altering medical mystery of an astronaut who fell in the bathroom

On February 26, 1964, a 40-year-old man slipped in a hotel bathroom and clocked his head on the tub. The painful tumble would end up...

Let this astronaut show you around the International Space Station

Andreas Mogensen returned to Earth in mid-March after a six-and-a-half month stint aboard the International Space Station. To mark his...

Watch a tripod robot test its asteroid leaping skills

Before astronauts leave Earth’s gravity for days, weeks, or even months at a time, they practice aboard NASA’s famous parabolic...

Japan and NASA plan a historic lunar RV roadtrip together

Japan has offered to provide the United States with a pressurized moon rover—in exchange for a reserved seat on the lunar van. Per NASA,...

What is matter? It’s not as basic as you’d think.

A little less than one-third of the universe—around 31 percent—consists of matter. A new calculation confirms that number;...

Citizen scientists can join a ‘Ring of Fire’ eclipse radio experiment

Every year or two, the solar system lines up just right, with the moon casting a shadow over part of Earth’s surface and blocking out the...

ADHD may have evolved to give us foraging superpowers

What’s the weirdest thing you learned this week? Well, whatever it is, we promise you’ll have an even weirder answer if you listen to...

Internet use dipped in the eclipse’s path of totality

New data indicates a once-in-a-generation eclipse is a pretty surefire way to convince people to finally log off the internet—at least...

The full sensory experience of eclipse totality, from inside an Audi convertible

NASA’s Science Mission Directorate Heliophysics Division studies the nature of the sun and everything it touches. That includes the...