Saturday 6 July 2024
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Study finds suicide risk 12 times higher following genital mutilation

A recent publication in Cureus reveals that individuals who have undergone gender-transition surgeries face a significantly higher risk of...

Neuralink receives FDA approval to implant brain chip in second patient

Elon Musk’s Neuralink has received approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to implant its experimental brain chip...

American College of Pediatrics DEBUNKS claim that “affirmation” helps the mental health of children with gender dysphoria

A recent American College of Pediatrics (ACPeds) review has countered the claims of left-wing advocates that providing...

Children who get body-butchered to become “trans” require MORE anti-psychotic drugs post-transition, study finds

One of the claims often parroted by LGBTs and their “allies” purports that gender dysphoric children who undergo life-altering...

The fall of the Tavistockians: Defeating the “mother” of all brainwashing

, gendThe recent explosion of scandals involving the London Tavistock Clinic’s radical gender reassignment experiments on children and...

From chip implants to gyms: Russians push the boundaries of BIOHACKING

While our bodies provide us with many natural gifts, there are those who have turned to technology to expand their capabilities....

From chip implants to gyms: Russians push the boundaries of BIOHACKING

While our bodies provide us with many natural gifts, there are those who have turned to technology to expand their capabilities....