Saturday 6 July 2024
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The COVID pandemic was entirely unnecessary. Cures were available. The medical profession is responsible for the murders of huge and growing numbers of people

As I wrote not long after the “Covid pandemic” hype was underway, there were two known preventatives and cures: HCQ and Ivermectin....

Plant-based “vaccine” uses herbs to activate the immune system against the coronavirus, without the blood clot risk

Canadian company Medicago has developed a plant-based vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). The two-dose vaccine uses virus-like...

COVID-19 vaccines are working in the real world

CDC Though the news this week about the AstraZeneca vaccine has been a roller coaster, the trajectory of the pandemic is still trending...

Fauci says he has no faith that Russia’s COVID-19 vaccine is “safe and effective”

  Dr. Anthony Fauci, the functionary who has been in Washington, D.C., for decades pretending to be America’s “top...

Coronavirus becoming far less deadly as it “adapts” to human hosts… no vaccine necessary, says doctor

  A professor and infectious disease expert from Italy says that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is already fizzling out, and that a...

All COVID-19 vaccines to be made with aborted human fetal cells

  If you or someone you know is anxiously waiting for a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine to hit the market, just know that all of...

CONFIRMED: Coronavirus vaccines will contain aborted human babies

  Pro-lifers everywhere had better think long and hard about what they plan to do in the event that state or local governments try to...

Top US scientist questions Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine claims

  On Wednesday, one of America’s top scientists said that the government shouldn’t count on a successful...

Bill Gates reportedly offered a $10 million bribe to use Nigerian children in coronavirus vaccine experiments

  The left’s most beloved “humanitarian” has been caught in yet another human rights scandal, this time involving...

Prestigious vaccine journal: Flu vaccine increases coronavirus infection risk 36%

  A new study published in the prestigious journal Vaccine, a peer-reviewed medical journal, published by Elsevier, titled Influenza...