Saturday 6 July 2024
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World’s Greatest Dad Added A Backseat To His DeLorean To Take His Kids Along For The Ride

We all know parents who sacrificed their sports car the moment kids entered their life, but John Dore wasn’t ready to give up on owning...

#LFFTF2017 : When Garments Protect Our Privacy

Even if the garment first function is to protect its wearer, through the ages some new faculty as a social window, allowing to communicate...

How will tech enhance customer experience in retail?

The alarm keeps ringing in retail. Over 6,955 stores closed in 2017 in the USA, says a Fung Global Retail & Technology report. A pretty...

La Fabrique, launched into Fashion Tech

The fashion school wants to be a laboratory, where students become familiar with new technologies. The training must above all stir...

Muchaneta Kapfunde on the importance of Slow Fashion and Sustainability

Today we meet Muchaneta Kapfunde, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Muchaneta has strong knowledge of the merger of fashion and...

Meeting with FashionTech artist Benhaz Farahi

You may have come across the piece BodyScape during our Look Forward FashionTech Festival exhibition… Today on the blog, we introduce you...

Soundary Cycle: bags designed for nomadic cyclists

Today on the blog, we are welcoming Angèle Radjagobal, founder of Soundary Cycle.   As more and more people choose to ride their...

UX overbid: client’s first

During « Les trente glorieuses », a period when the world’s most developed countries experienced a tremendous economic growth and...

Gender neutral movement: how do brands adapt?

Lately, women have taken over historically masculine trends, and men are more and more targeted by lines usually developed for women only....


VivaTech the new technology show makes its great return in Paris, Porte de Versaille for a third edition. VivaTech is the worldwild...