Wednesday 3 July 2024
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CNET News: Steve Jobs introduces iCloud


CNET News: Steve Jobs introduces iCloud

At Apple’s WWDC, Steve Jobs introduces the concept of iCloud and how this service relates to the Contacts, Calendar, and Mail apps. Original vide: http://cne…
iCloud Video Rating: 4 / 5

iCloud Fail
Image by jurvetson
Not Apple, but Yahoo trying to report on the iCloud announcement and getting overwhelmed. =)

Which reminds me of Sten’s pointer on fB: Is Nokia Worth Less than Skype?

I especially like the poetic quote from Horace:
"this is the end game of disruption. It ends much more suddenly than it begins. It’s the consequence of nobody noticing the beginning that makes the end so shocking."

Financial markets go positively non-linear in the face of unprecedented hyper growth, but have they reconciled the terminal values of accelerating decline?

It also reminds me… has there been a good long-term VC investment in a consumer electronics company since Apple? (a company that has retained billion dollar value for decades…. Thinking about the waves of game consoles, cell phones, handheld computers, and gadgets…).

And a reasonable argument can be made that the resurgence of Apple from near death came via integrated innovation across software and services.

How does icloud work for my apple devices?

I notice my iphone has this icloud feature on it. How does it work? Do i need to register or synch anything up manually? I also have a macbook pro if that matters.

iCloud best answer:

Answer by Duncan
You need to turn on iCloud in the iPhone’s Settings and the MacBook’s Preferences and choose which features you want to use. For example Photo streaming will automatically send any photos taken with your iPhone to the MacBook.

iWork for iCloud available
Image by melenita2012
iWork para iCloud para tablet y portátiles

Browser-Based iWork for iCloud Unlocks for Anyone with an Apple Account

If you've been impatiently waiting for Apple to update the OS X version of its iWork productivity suite, well, keep waiting. But if you're not allergic to composing or keynoting in a browser, you're in luck: anyone can now, officially, fiddle with …

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