Wednesday 10 July 2024
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T-Mobile is suing AT&T over its use of 'magenta.' But what does 'magenta' mean …

T-Mobile is suing AT&T over its use of 'magenta.' But what does 'magenta' mean

Mobile News
That's what T-Mobile is arguing, at least as far as telecom services go. In a new lawsuit against AT&T — or rather, an AT&T subsidiary called Aio Wireless, T-Mobile accuses Aio of using its traditional color, magenta, to brand new services and says …

iPhone Launch On Sept. 20 No Holiday For T-Mobile Employees

Mobile News
No matter how hard you try (though it's not clear this time how hard Apple Apple is trying!) there is no way to hide an elephant in the room in the form of the next iPhone launch. And even though logical numerology has led us to believe for a couple of …

US Losing Ground In Mobile App Market

Mobile News
If mobile apps are the post-PC era's software industry, the U.S. may be losing its edge. According to new findings mobile analytics firm Flurry released this morning, the U.S. isn't leading in the creation of mobile applications, having slipped from 45 …

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