Saturday 6 July 2024
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5 reasons why PCs are better than Macs: Mac vs Windows PC – which is best?

5 reasons why PCs are better than Macs: Mac vs Windows PC – which is best?

Mac OS
'There are no viruses in the OS X world', they say. And 'you don't need antivirus on a Mac'. The first statement is palpably untrue, the second is debatable. There is no doubt that you are less likely to be infected by a computer virus if your computer …

Apple is winning the OS war

Mac OS
OS X Mavericks, despite Apple's best efforts, remains a tiny player in the PC landscape. Apple is improving the (now free) OS, but its mobile operating system is the heart of OS innovation on its platforms. The Mac will continue to make gains at the …

After a month of use, we dish out our biggest gripes with OS X Mavericks

Mac OS
In apps that have implemented the feature (Tweetbot for Mac is one), scrolling is, in fact, pretty smooth. Unfortunately, the feature seems to have broken scrolling for other programs. I notice the problem most often in Chrome, Outlook 2011, and the …

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