The Best Aluminum-Free Deodorants

Mirror reflection smiling young man applying antiperspirant on armpit after shower.

Buying Guide for Aluminum-Free Deodorants

Deodorant for women and flowers on table.

Why buy aluminum-free deodorant?

There are a surprising number of benefits to switching to an aluminum-free deodorant. Many antiperspirants are mixed with aluminum to help block pores that cause you to sweat, but this can be detrimental to your skin’s health or cause irritation. If you’ve noticed that your armpits and other body parts where you apply deodorant or antiperspirant tend to be irritated after application, switching to an aluminum-free deodorant may help alleviate this issue. Even if sensitive skin or irritation isn’t a problem for you, aluminum-free deodorants tend to be more gentle on your skin since they not only don’t contain aluminum but are less likely to be mixed with alcohol and other chemicals that dry out your skin. It also reduces the odds of clogged pores in the areas where you apply deodorant; since aluminum blocks sweat pores, it increases their chances of becoming clogged. When aluminum mixes with sweat, it sometimes leaves behind stains on your clothes that can become permanent, so aluminum-free deodorants decrease the risk of this happening.

What should you look for in aluminum-free deodorant?

  • Scent: As with any other deodorant, aluminum-free deodorants come in various scents. They can smell flowery, spicy, citrusy, earthy, beachy, etc. Scents like coconut, vanilla, sandalwood, lavender, and lemon are common. Still, there are plenty of other fragrances and unscented options, so you shouldn’t have any issue picking an aluminum-free deodorant that’s appealing to you personally. You may find different scents are better suited to your body chemistry. Remember that some fragrances may irritate sensitive skin types.
  • Quantity: Depending on the number of people using the deodorant, especially since different people shouldn’t be regularly sharing the same deodorant stick for hygienic purposes, you may prefer to buy your aluminum-free deodorant in packs or larger bulk quantities if possible. Even if you’re purchasing deodorant just for yourself, buying multiple sticks ensures you’re less likely to unexpectedly run out at a key moment, not to mention that it’s generally more cost-effective in the long run to buy in bulk or packs. Sets of two or three deodorants are most common, but there are some larger bulk options. Also, remember that most aluminum-free deodorant sticks are around three ounces in size, though there are smaller, more travel-friendly options.
  • Natural: If you’re worried about other harsh chemicals or irritations, not just aluminum, that might be present in your deodorant, or you have particularly sensitive skin, you may want to try out an all-natural deodorant. All-natural deodorants are to be naturally (ha) free of aluminum. They are much less likely to contain ingredients like sulfates or parabens that dry out your skin or other pore-clogging metals. Keep an eye out for natural, aluminum-free deodorants free of baking soda and talc since these ingredients cause the white streaks left behind on your armpits and clothes.

Is there an adjustment period to switching to aluminum-free deodorant?

Aluminum helps antiperspirants block sweat from forming on your skin, so you will likely sweat (and smell) more once you make the switch. Look for aluminum-free deodorants with ingredients like tapioca starch that will help absorb some of the wetness from perspiration and strong odor neutralizers like shea or coconut to help better mask the smell. They aren’t quite as effective as aluminum, but they will help with the adjustment period. The length of the adjustment period is different for everyone. Some people’s bodies adapt right away, while others require a few weeks or even a month to adjust to the change fully. Wearing more breathable fabrics, like cotton and linen, instead of synthetics like polyester, can help with this phase, as does applying deodorant more frequently and using antibacterial soap in the shower or bath.

Our Picks for the Best Aluminum-Free Deodorants

Pros: Deodorant’s job, first and foremost, is to prevent you from smelling even when you’re hot and sweaty, and this aluminum-free variety is more than up to the task. This scent contains both shea butter and coconut, both known for their strong odor neutralizing properties. Together they’re even more effective. If this particular fragrance isn’t to your liking, there are three other scents to choose from, plus an unscented model for those who are sensitive to strong smells. All varieties will keep you a smelling cleaner and last longer; the odds are good you’ll only have to apply this deodorant once a day. You also have the option to buy it in a two-pack and a mixed pack that contains three different scents so you can sample them all and experiment with which one you like best.

Cons: This is a pricey, aluminum-free deodorant, especially for its standard size. Also, note that it does contain baking soda, so you are at risk for stains.

Bottom Line: If you’re looking for a high-quality, long-lasting, aluminum-free deodorant that smells great and isn’t harsh on your skin, you can’t go wrong with this product.


Pros: There’s a lot to love about this aluminum-free deodorant. First and foremost, it was never tested on animals, so you know it’s cruelty-free, and the lack of common irritants like dyes and parabens means that it should be gentle on your skin even if it’s on the sensitive side. The lack of talc and invisible formula also means that this deodorant shouldn’t leave visible stains on your clothing. The coconut scent provides good odor-neutralization properties too. You get three sticks with your purchase, so you’ll have to purchase new deodorant that much less often.

Cons: Not everyone enjoys the scent of coconut, while others are sensitive or even allergic to it. Unfortunately, there aren’t any alternative scent options with this particular aluminum-free deodorant.

Bottom Line: If you’re trying to live a more responsible, cruelty-free, animal-friendly lifestyle, you can’t go wrong with this aluminum-free deodorant. Enjoy long-lasting protection, strong odor neutralization, and stain-free clothes without guilt.


Pros: This pack of aluminum-free deodorants should save you money in the long term and help ensure you’re never caught short of deodorant when you need it. You not only receive four sticks with your purchase, for the same price as some smaller sets, but the sticks themselves are three ounces, on the higher end of average, so they should last you longer. The formula itself is free of alcohol that dries out your skin and also offers bonus moisturizing properties. It’s also available in two nice-smelling scents, one citrusy and a lighter scent for more sensitive noses.

Cons: While some may appreciate the moisturizing properties of this deodorant, others will find it makes their armpits feel too wet and swampy, especially since this is just a deodorant, not an antiperspirant. This may also irritate anyone with sensitive skin.

Bottom Line: We all want to know we’re getting the best possible value for our money, and you get excellent bang for your buck with this pack of fresh-smelling aluminum-free deodorants.


Pros: If you’re looking for an all-natural aluminum-free deodorant, this stick is well worth your while. It contains no artificial ingredients, including all the usual irritants commonly found in manufactured deodorants. Still, it’s free of animal byproducts, so even vegans can use it as part of their lifestyle. Especially since this deodorant is cruelty-free, having never been tested on animals at all. And unlike some all-natural deodorants, you shouldn’t have any issues with this one leaving stains behind on your clothing. It’s available in six different scents that range from earthy to fruity to flowery, plus an unscented option for sensitive noses. Depending on your needs, you can also buy it in a pack of three or six sticks.

Cons: As tends to be the case with all-natural deodorants, this product may not last quite as long as other deodorants.

Bottom Line: Many people prefer all-natural deodorants, whether they’re trying to be more conscious of what they put on their bodies or be more environmentally conscious. This is one of the better all-natural deodorants on the market, and it comes with the bonus of being vegan-friendly and cruelty-free.


Pros: Fortunately, this aluminum-free deodorant was designed specifically for children, preteens, and teens in mind, even for kids as young as four or five. Not only does it not contain aluminum or harsh chemicals or toxins—no parabens, phthalates, triclosans, or other common irritants here— but it’s hypoallergenic as well. Even sensitive skinned youngsters or kids with allergies shouldn’t have any issues wearing this deodorant. It’s never been tested on animals, either. And while the 1.76-ounce size is definitely smaller than average (though this also makes it easier for small hands to grip it and apply for themselves), there is a much larger 5.28-ounce size available for purchase as well, both in two sweet-smelling scents.

Cons: Though there are two sizes options for this deodorant, note that the quantity options are more limited.

Bottom Line: This aluminum-free deodorant’s hypoallergenic formula was made specifically with kids and teenagers in mind so it’s gentle enough to suit even the more delicate skin of younger children.

Final Thoughts

Many people are trying to be more conscious of the ingredients in daily-use products like lotion and soap, and deodorant certainly falls into this category, especially for anyone who exercises with regularity. Switching to an aluminum-free deodorant is one of the ways you can be more conscious of what you’re putting on your skin, and will likely lead to it being healthier in the long run.

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