11 Important Eye Skin Care Tips For Every Woman


Plan eye skin treacherously reveals our emotions, behavior, and signs of aging. If you are worried about wrinkles, dark circles, and other imperfections, do not give up on them!

1. Protect Your Skin Around The Eyes From Aging

Eye zone on your face is one of the most problematic for several reasons. The skin around the eyes is aging the fastest because it is much thinner than the rest of the face and body skin, and it is constantly exposed to the eyeball caused by movements every day and also watching the sun, light, and of course computer.

Eye skin well-being and appearance is also affected by harmful environmental factors – UV radiation, the care, concerns you have, sleepless nights, spree, tears – all this is reflected in the eye area. Anatomical characteristics of the eye area skin almost no sebaceous glands – these are but a very detailed and inactive because of insufficient or improperly tended skin can become drier, unable to defend themselves against external environmental impact and is subject to early aging.

2. Choose Cosmetics Appropriate For Your Eye-Area Zone

For non-irritated eyes, the proper care is needed so use cosmetic products intended for use in the eye area. Unlike other facial cosmetic eye area intentioned cleansing agents composition is much softer, but the caring – less concentrated. Eye area skin is closely related to the eyeball mucous membranes, so bear in mind that the eye is very vitals. It moving, the agent can penetrate the eye and cause unwanted irritation. Inappropriate cosmetics can also cause damage to the eye.

REMEBER – You Blink Eyes A Lot

You blink eyes ten thousand times a day, so the eye area muscles are employed three times more than in other parts of your face.

3. When Should You Begin To Care About Your Eye Area?

micellar_waterIt is an often asked question, with no single answer. Skin care cosmetics for eye area certainly should be used, starting to use make-up for eyes – mascara, pencil, shadows, etc. For some women it is at 12-15 years of age, for another much later. Then definitely, it has to use special  agents for removing eye cosmetics. It may not be aggressive detergents, containing soap or other substances that can get into your eyes, irritate the mucous membranes of the eye and the skin around the eyes becomes dry.

Very versatile and a good tool for both makeup remover and skin moisturizing and purifying is a micellar water. It is not greasy, it puts a strain on the eye area with a redundant layer of oil, tones and provides a sense of comfort. Mostly all micellar waters are suitable for use in the eye area but before the purchase it si worth to check again.

4. When To Clean – In The Morning Or In The Evening?


  • Eye zone should be cleaned twice a day, even when not in use make-up. In the evening, cleaned daily cosmetics, dead skin cells, sweat, dust accumulates. In the morning – night sleep, tear canal secretions, dust settles on the skin of the bed linen. In the morning, it is recommended to rinse your face with water. Never wash the eye area buy using soap alike and any other aggressive exposure means.
  • You should start to use eye cream when starts to appear the first signs of aging. It is both individual, but an average of 25-30 years. If the make-up is used at an early age, it would be a desirable to use a moisturizer. This does not mean that adolescents should use eye cream. This is an individual, assessing the condition of the eye area skin.
  • A lot of women for economic purposes is used in an ordinary moisturizing face cream eye area. This can be done – a better than nothing. The only exception is the special effects for face creams that contain acid, retinol or other active substances intended to reduce acne, pigmentation lightening etc.
  • Risk group who can not do without the eye area care to target resources women which normally do not sleep and work nights. Circadian rhythm disorder, sleepless hours, and fatigue are reflected in the eye area a rapid aging process.

5. What Are Three Main Groups Of Eye Creams


Eye creams are highly moisturizing effect and in addition to a specific function that is always shown on the label.

# Creams Created For The First Signs Of Aging

They do not contain highly active substances. They are enriched with moisturizing components, moisturizing factor, plant extracts and antioxidants – vitamins C and E, some have also addedvitamin K, which improves microcirculation and reduces dark circles. These creams are recommended for use when already showing the first signs of aging – superficial wrinkles – up to 45-50 years. But this is an individual – if formed deeper wrinkles begin to take corrective creams.


Lumene Vitamin C, Clinique All About Eyes eye cream, Obagi Medical Elastiderm eye cream.

# Creams For Women 40+

They are suitable for medium and deep wrinkles. They contain a concentrated active substance, which improves the condition of the eye area, skin elasticity, creating a lifting effect. For example, peptides that work on skin rejuvenation, collagen elastic fiber synthesis, hyaluronic acid, which provides additional intense hydration and antioxidants which cater for protection. In recent years, creams have been incorporated into a new substance botulinum which provides a similar effect.

They produce muscle relaxant iedarbību- relaxes eye circular muscle, forming a smile wrinkles or crow’s feet. Muscle fibers relax and small wrinkles smoothed. By the difference from the injections, you maintain results while you are using a cream. It is not that active Veil somehow savings and efficiency persists. A similar exposure also causes some Korean generated creams using snake venom.

However, it is recommended to choose the check in Europe or USA the production of cosmetics products, because of unknown origin hyperactive botulinum-like substances may contain extraneous proteins which act as an antigen and can lead to a strong allergy.

# Creams For Mature, Aged Skin

This composition is very rich, they contain retinoids, retinol, pro-retinol – vitamin A, which is one of the most powerful anti-aging agents.


Eye creams skin with moderate / marked signs of aging: Esthederm Repair Lift eye serum and cream, Beaute Pacifique eye cream with vitamin A cream with Botox effect Natinuel The Look.

6. How To Choose Eye Skin Enhancers

Clinique_All_About_Eyes_SerumEye care products range is wide. They may have a moisturizing effect that helps to right the first signs of aging, as well as those that address specific problems, so before you purchase the product, request advice from cosmetics, cosmetic consultant store and read the label.

The simplest means an ordinary moisturizing composition is a gel or gel-cream that is suitable for younger skin. The second gel and gel group is designed for specific problems, which can occur in the eye area. For example, dark circles, swelling and blue rings, the most common cause is impaired microcirculation in the eye area. Currently popular are pourable gel products and serums produced in packages who deal is a kind of massage ball, whereby the gel is applied, while doing massage.

A remedy can be kept in the refrigerator and stick on the eye skin the morning after waking up, the swelling around the eyes, sagging bags and bows tend to manifest itself most strongly. Coolness, massage, and the active substance is rapidly improved blood circulation, stimulates lymphcirculation, tightens and moisturizes the skin.


Eye serums with a roller: with arctic cloudberry Lumene Vitamin C, Obagi Medical Elastiderm, Clinique All About Eyes Serum, against dark circles: Auriga Auriderm Cerno XO vitamin K.

7. What Masks For Eye Area You Might Consider


Quickly moisturizes, smoothes and strengthens the skin. It is important to choose the right eye area of the mask. It provides justification – the eye area should never be given a face mask unless the label does not indicate that there may also be used in the eye area. Currently, several manufacturers offer special moisturizing masks, which can be Klar both on the face and around the eyes. There are also what can be left overnight, they are not comedogenic – does not clog pores, does not inhibit the activity of sebaceous glands and does not create problems in the eye area, but they should carefully study the above.

Very effective it is the latest generation of products – applied eye Ona Adhesive patches, which acts as a mask. Silicone like material is impregnated with collagen, hyaluronic acid and a variety of moisturizing components that quickly improves microcirculation, removes puffiness and provides the instant smoothing effect. The patch is very easy and simple to use, they can stick in the morning at home and work – briefly before important meetings, hold for 10-15 minutes so that the skin look healthy and rested. These masks are very popular models, actresses in the middle, where necessary immediate result.


Maria Galland eye zone mask with a cooling effect. Shiseido eye mask with retinol Benefiance Wrinkle Resist 24, Patch eye area SKYN Iceland Hydro Cool Firming Eye Gels, Obagi Medical Neotensil.

8. Should You Choose Eye Serum


The serum is an active exposure to concentrate, you might want to start using the eye area begins to form expressed wrinkles. It contains much more active substance than cream. The most common serums are a gel or liquid form because they are composed of water-based because the eye area oil does not like.

The oil on the skin forms the coating, such as a lid, creating additional pressures on the skin, and it can cause swelling around the eyes. Serums must never be given to one thing – it is covered with a cream.

What And Where Better To Use?

Choice of the product depends on ur skin condition and feelings. If a particular problem is not only drought, caused by the first mimic wrinkles, you can use the gel and / or a moisturizing cream in the morning and evening. Creams with the effect of botulinum used only during the day because they are exposed to when superimposed.

If You Interfere With Dark Circles

In some women, the skin is darker eye area is more pronounced vascular bows, which attacks the face of the fresh look. They may be the result of heredity, sleep deprivation, stress or other causes. A very good solution is an eye cream with a brightening effect. If the light-reflecting creams do not provide the expected results and helps make-up.

REMEBER – Drink Lots Of Water If Allergy Was Caused By Some Eye Care Product

If someone caring means the eye area is caused by an allergic reaction, first hastened to wash it with clean water, then lay a cool ice tea or black patch that will remove swelling. If the itch, drink some anti-allergy medication antihistamine which is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Most important – drink plenty of fluids. For a substance that caused the allergy, quickly flushed from the body.

9. How To Choose Make-Up For Your Eye Zone

make up

When choosing make-up eyes, it must be suitable for use in the eye area. This is essential because the skin can damage the eye area foundations, concealers, bases and other masking agents intended for use on the face. They usually have specific drying effects. Of course, if they are used occasionally, such as once a month, it will not harm too, but if necessary on a daily basis mask dark circles under the eye area, choose eye-area cosmetics, to avoid damaging the skin.

  • Eye-zone should not be stretched. Applying eye makeup is recommended to use the ring finger, which is the work of the most on-load finger, so it has the least stringent skin and not a lot of strength. Cosmetics applied with gentle motions to simultaneously perform massage and stimulate lymphatic drainage. This is done from the outer corner of the eye to the interior through the upper eyelid and further down the lower eyelid to the outer corner of the back.
  • Eye care products are used around 0.2 inches from the entrance to the eye, from mucous from the lash line. If the cream is applied too close to the eyeball movement and diffusion that can enter the eye. Many women complain that you can not use eye cream because it bites. This may be attributable to intolerance or allergy, but most often it has just two reasons, either the cream applied close to the eyes or it was too much. Therefore, observe the distance and principles – less is better.
  • There are different views on eye cream and gel agents to the upper eyelid moving parts. The cream can be used on the entire eyelid, only small amounts, leaving skin clean 0.2 inches of the lining of the eye. The movable lids never do not use oil. There are now a variety of popular high-quality oils, but they should not Leite close to the eyes and, in particular, on the upper eyelids.

10. What Eye Beauty Procedures Can You Choose From


# Quick Solution – Salon Procedures

In situations where there is a need for fast results, you can go to a beauty salon where cosmeticians arsenal is a variety of express treatment for the eye area, accompanied by a collagen mask with tonic, astringent effect. This gives a temporary effect, with the procedures do not differ much from what can be done at home. Home products contain less active substance concentration.

# Procedures With Long Lasting Effect – Injections

Anatomical nature of any manipulation of the eye area is very complex because it should not be smoothing wrinkles can affect vision. The most used are two types of injections.

Botulinum toxin injections are carried out very superficially, it relaxes the eye circular muscle fibers, which helps to smooth out wrinkles and temporarily prevent their formation. This is a very good method, which, of course, has its own pros and cons. It certainly can not be used in women who are characterized by swelling around the eyes, as it will only exacerbate swelling. Botulinum induced slowdown compounded by the blood circulation, lymph circulation, thus promoting the formation of edema.

Hyaluronic acid injections. These are the two directions. Bio revitalisation – very superficially in the skin is administered hyaluronic acid that fills the tiny krunkciņas attracting water to the skin. At the same time, it is stimulated fibroblast skin cells which produce collagen to outdoor renewed and become stronger, firmer. Again, this procedure is not recommended if the nod, both have a tendency to tissue edema, fluid retention. Injected hyaluronic acid is further facilitated of formation edema, resulting in wrinkles and mild edema in place under the eyes can form thoroughly bags. It is, therefore, necessary to choose a good specialist, and before all procedures need to properly pronounce.

Mesotherapy cocktail injection helps to improve the skin condition, but they may contain enough active and irritating substances that can cause allergic reactions, so trust specialist.

REMEBER – Botulinum toxin in any way does not improve the quality of the skin, but the injection of hyaluronic acid improves skin quality and attracting water and stimulates skin self-renewal.

# Laser Procedures

Eye Renewal of non-invasive manner. New – restores the skin without damaging its surface with Q-Switch fractional laser. It is with a light pulse of the laser touch the eye area stimulates fibroblasts, promoting self-renewal of skin. The procedure is absolutely safe for both upper and lower eyelids. After that, there is no adverse reaction, so it can make even lunch break. Painless and effective method. Recommended course 2-3 times, the effect persists for about a year, depending on the original skin condition.

Fractional grinding by laser or radio frequency. As they can be both smooth out wrinkles and slightly tighten the skin around the eyes. Laser establish very small holes, thus eliminating excess, poor quality skin. Vienlaiksu procedure, the skin is heated, it is stimulating new collagen formation, and the skin is renewed. Requires 1 – 2 of procedures. Next, it is a necessary recovery period of about two hours after the procedure are swelling, redness that lasts 3-5 days. Then a slight reddening. The effect is maintained for about a year.

11. When To Consider Eyelid Lift Surgery

For many women, inheritance or other reasons, the eyelids are too heavy and hanging. This applies not only to the upper eyelid but also lower which can be characterized by subcutaneous hernias formation. If the skin is too thin, it formed hernias and subcutaneous into the subcutaneous fat to form fatty bags that creates a burden on normal microcirculation, lymph circulation around the eyes and dark circles forming.

This problem can be surgically prevented by eyelid correction upper eyelids cut the excess skin, but, in addition, lower sucked fat, sews hernias. If you have no desire or opportunity to operate the eyelids, but interferes with the excess skin problems, the only way to tighten the skin, it is a fractional laser procedure. Nothing else – no injections, no home reusable cosmetics, not cosmetological procedures can not.

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