Saturday 6 July 2024
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Americans are way more obsessed with Apple than you thought

Apple products are way more of a household staple than we thought.

According to CNBC’s All-America economic survey, the average American household owns about 2.6 Apple products. Since the survey was last conducted in 2012, that number has increased by a full product.

Additionally, 64 percent of Americans are estimated to own an Apple product. What’s most shocking is that the proportion holds true across demographics; a majority of all ages, races, genders, and religions own an Apple product.

The demographic that does see discrepancies is, as you may have suspected, socioeconomic class. The poorest Americans own an average of just one Apple product, while the wealthiest own — wait for it — a whopping 4.7 products per household.

And apparently, 64 percent of respondents in the survey reported that their smartphone usage is “mostly productive and useful.” Come on guys, you need to stop lying on surveys. We know you all love playing Candy Crush just as much as we do.

Today’s market for consumer electronics is, at first glance, saturated with quality products from the likes of Samsung, Google, Xiaomi, and other tech giants. But as one of the researchers told CNBC, no other brand has matched Apple’s level of dominance among the American public.

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