Should You Add Pine-Sol to Your Laundry?

Clothes sit in a plastic laundry hamper.

Few things are quite as disappointing as washing a full load of laundry… only for it to come out smelling musty and stale. In the quest for fresh clothes, we often find ourselves exploring unconventional methods and extra ingredients.

Enter Pine-Sol, the trusty household cleaner with its unmistakable scent and versatile powers. Turns out, those versatile powers extend to using Pine-Sol in the laundry.

While Pine-Sol may be synonymous with sparkling floors and spotless surfaces, when you wash clothes with Pine-Sol, you can take advantage of its powerful deodorizing abilities.

A splash of Pine-Sol in your wash cycle along with your normal detergent can help banish stale smells. You can use about a half cup of Pine-Sol in a regular load of wash (in addition to your detergent) to leave your garments smelling clean.

If you’re sensitive to strong smells or don’t want to risk over-pouring your Pine-Sol, you can use a smaller amount or dilute the cleaner with water before adding. A splash of Pine-Sol mixed with water can go a long way in refreshing your laundry without adverse effects.

It’s worth noting that this trick is only suitable for people who enjoy the scent of Pine-Sol. If you prefer other scents, you may want to consider other things to keep your laundry smelling fresh.

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