Deodorant Marks on Your Shirt? Grab a Dryer Sheet

A box of open dryer sheets sits on top of a dryer.

You’re about to head out the door for work or to meet friends when you look down and notice a large white streak running along the side of your shirt. The only possible thing it could be is your deodorant, so what do you do now?

Grab a dryer sheet, that’s what. All you need to get rid of that pesky fresh deodorant mark is a simple old dryer sheet.

Here’s the caveat, though. First, this trick is not for deodorant staining. Do you know that yellowing your shirts can get under the armpit? A dryer sheet won’t fix that (but we do have a hack for that as well). Secondly, a used dryer sheet works best so don’t throw them away so quickly.

Now, in terms of using this clothing care trick, it’s just as simple as you’d think. When you notice a deodorant mark, grab a used dryer sheet, and sweep over it in short, quick bursts being careful not to apply too much pressure. After a few swipes, the dyer sheet should have removed the marks.

Switched away from dryer sheets? There’s another simple trick. Gather either side of the mark and rub the fabric together. Then, wipe away the remaining residue. While this hack is arguably the simplest, it’s not the first recommendation as you’ll be bunching up fabric which could cause wrinkles and stretching—not a good look.

The next time you apply deodorant before getting dressed, don’t worry about those deodorant marks. Grab a dryer sheet and get to rubbing.

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