Monday 29 July 2024
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Google Maps now lets you play Ms Pac-Man – here’s how

Google is back at it with another map-based April Fools’ Day update!

This time you can turn your surrounding area into a game of Ms Pac-Man via Google Maps, complete with the power pellets, ghosts and… well, that’s kind of all there is to Ms Pac-Man – but simplicity is effective!

So how do you actually get to join in the fun? Here’s our handy us Guide to Playing Ms Pac-Man on Google Maps.


Step 2) Press the Ms Pac-Man icon on the right.


Step 3) Play Ms Pac-Man on Google Maps.


The iOS version turns the area you’re in into a level, while the Android version apparently takes you to a random part of the world.

This isn’t the first time you’ve been able to waka-waka-waka your way around Google Maps, as back in 2015 you could play Pac-Man via the app.

The year before that, Google let you catch Pokémon on Google Maps, and we all know how that turned out…

Does that mean Pac-Man Go is in the works?!

Outside of Pac-related #content, April Fools’ Day saw Google ‘introduce’ the personal assistant called the Google Gnome.

You can find out what that’s all about – along with a whole host of pranks from Coronation Street and Netflix, among others –

Happy April Fools’ Day everyone!

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