Get Crispier Sautéed Mushrooms with This Trick

Sautéed mushrooms sit in a pan with a wooden spoon.

There’s nothing better than brown, crispy mushrooms to enjoy with your meal. But sometimes, when you sauté them on the stove, their texture can be mushy and unappetizing.

Next time, microwave your mushrooms before throwing them on the stove to get meaty, crispy mushrooms.

Mushrooms are like sponges. They absorb oil and water in the pan, which prevents them from browning. Microwaving helps them dry out and shrink for a tasty fungi meal.

Start by adding a small amount of water with your mushrooms to a microwave-safe container. Cover them with a loose lid and steam them in the microwave for two to three minutes. Carefully remove them and throw them in an oiled pan.

Rather than absorb the oil, your mushrooms will now cling to the oil to create brown, crispy mushrooms.

Mushrooms consist of hyphae fibers, which are 80 to 90 percent water. Steaming them will help collapse and dry out these fibers.

This trick is fantastic if you’re in a rush as drying your mushrooms out in the microwave will also help them cook faster.

The next time you cook mushrooms, dry them out in the microwave first to attain a meaty, crispy ingredient for your meal. If you’re finding moldy mushrooms in your fridge, check out this storage method to help them keep longer.

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