Sunday 28 July 2024
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College Grads: Diploma First. Passport Next.


I don’t care where you went to business school.
I don’t care whether your grades were good or bad.
You have to leave the country.

College Grads:  Diploma First. Passport Next.
Smart career advice from journalist Adam Bryant’s interview with Quintin E. Primo III, co-founder and chief executive of Capri Capital Partners, a real estate investment and development firm based in Chicago. Excerpts from the  “Corner Office” feature in The NY Times, “Get a Diploma, but Then Get a Passport”:


Q. What’s your best career advice to young graduates?

A. Three words: leave the country. Get out of here. That’s what I tell everybody — just go. I don’t care where you go, just go.

Q. Because?

A. Because the world is changing. It is no longer acceptable to speak only English if you are 25 and younger. It’s unacceptable. You have little chance of being successful if you speak only one language.

If you don’t understand Islam, you’re in trouble because Islam comprises somewhere between 1.6 billion and 1.8 billion people, and there are markets that are untapped that need to be tapped.

So you’ve got to get out of your front door, get out of the comfort and quiet of your home, and your safety zone, and step into a pool of risk where you have no idea what the outcome is going to be. Out of it all, you will have a much broader understanding of the world’s cultures, and you will have a much clearer idea of how the world perceives our culture, and all the value, and the benefits, and the beauty of our culture.

There is nothing more important. I don’t care where you went to business school. I don’t care whether your grades were good or bad. You have to leave the country.”


We found this particular profile worthy of two parts: Part One is about leadership with link HERE to The Daily Riff’s “Leadership Under Adversity: How The Vision Thing Matters”.

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