Study confirms that vitamin D significantly reduces risk of dying from COVID-19

A new study from Spain has once again confirmed that providing supplemental vitamin D3 to hospitalized patients with Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) reduced deaths by 64 percent.

According to the study’s results, providing hospitalized COVID-19 patients with supplemental calcifediol, or vitamin D3, reduced intensive care unit admissions by 82 percent and overall mortality by 64 percent. The study also found that people who already had higher vitamin D at baseline were 60 percent less likely to die.

British Member of Parliament David Davis wrote that hospitals in the United Kingdom should start giving COVID-19 patients vitamin D3. In fact, he believes hospitals all over the world should start providing their coronavirus patients with vitamin D supplements.

Many other prominent politicians are also calling for official vitamin D supplementation in hospitals. Over at neighboring Ireland, Emer Higgins, a member of the Irish parliament and a prominent member of Fine Gael, one of three parties currently in government, called upon Irish Minister of Health Stephen Donnely to include vitamin D supplementation in the country’s “Living with COVID-19” strategy.

“There is negligible risk in this strategy and potentially massive gain,” she said. Higgins relied on evidence from the Covit-D Consortium, a group of doctors from all over Ireland who have been lobbying the Irish government since early last year to use vitamin D supplementation as an additional measure to protect Irish citizens against COVID-19.

According to the consortium’s own research, vitamin D can lower the risk of death from COVID-19 in elderly people by as much as 700 percent. (Related: BREAKTHROUGH: Simple sunlight exposure can protect against severe and deadly COVID-19 infections – study.)

Multiple studies prove vitamin D helps against COVID-19

It is clear from the results of the aforementioned Spanish study that vitamin D plays an important and underutilized role in preventing COVID-19 cases from getting worse. Multiple other studies have already confirmed this.

In Sept. 2020, a study published in the JAMA Network found that the higher a person’s vitamin D levels are, the less likely they were to test positive for COVID-19.

A study published in June 2021 found that vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased risk of COVID-19 infection and mortality. This study looked at data from all over the world.

Another study published in the peer-reviewed journal Scientific Reports found that a person’s vitamin D level is a contributing factor in the severity of a person’s infection. The study even found that there is a correlation between vitamin D levels in society and outbreaks.

According to the study authors, there was a surge in daily positive COVID-19 test results during the fall of 2020 in 18 European countries. This linearly correlated with latitude and sun exposure and vitamin D levels.

Multiple other studies have proven beyond reasonable doubt the relationship between supplementation with vitamin D and a significantly lowered risk of developing a severe case of COVID-19 and dying from the virus.

“Vitamin D is essential for your immune system,” said Bob Wheeler, a partner for Rapid Recovery, a medical clinic in Tyler, Texas. “Not only is it essential for your immune system, it helps in the production of red blood cells… It’s just better to have a humming immune system than not.”

“There’s a huge correlation between the number of people in the hospital who have bad cases of COVID and who are vitamin D deficient,” continued Wheeler.

More related stories:

If hospitals had utilized the Zelenko protocol with intravenous vitamin C and vitamin D, then COVID-19-associated deaths would be virtually nonexistent.

Dr. Holick: Having sufficient vitamin D could help reduce risk of getting COVID-19 – Brighteon.TV.

Florida surgeon general supports common-sense COVID prevention strategies such as vitamin D and superfoods.

Simple vitamin D supplementation could halt COVID pandemic, research finds.

Vitamin D ameliorates severe COVID-19, preventing complications and death.

Watch this video from Natural News and learn the many ways vitamin D helps the body, as well as the best natural sources of vitamin D.

This video is from the Natural News channel on

Learn more about other nutrients that can help fight COVID-19 at

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