Shed Fat & Feel Amazing: 5 Foods with Surprising Health Benefits

5 Foods with Surprising Health Benefits

The Right Foods = Success with Health

There are a lot of foods out there that come with obvious health benefits. From apples and spinach to almonds and salmon, there are a lot of healthy choices at your disposal, but whether you’re trying to lose weight or just get fit, it often feels like there are never enough options.

If you’re like me you probably find boredom can set in quickly on any eating plan, and that can spell serious trouble when it comes to seeing results. Without enough of the right foods in your kitchen cravings can get out of control fast.

Luckily, there are a lot of foods out there with some pretty surprising health benefits. These foods can help add some variety into your daily eating routine, satisfy cravings, and boost your health in some serious ways.

Here are the 5 foods that top my list…

5 Surprisingly Healthy Foods to Satisfy Your Taste Buds

1. Extra-Virgin Coconut Oil

I’m starting off this list with an item that’s been getting a lot of publicity of late. But just in case you haven’t hear, coconut oil is one of the best oils to include in your diet, whether it’s raw or used in cooking. Unlike hydrogenated coconut oils that were used a couple of decades ago (and shown to be quite unhealthy), the coconut oil that’s on the market today is much less processed and comes with a ton of health benefits such as being good for your skin, immunity and even with weight management.

In addition to giving you healthy skin and supporting a healthy metabolism, coconut oil is a great ingredient to help you fight cravings. Try Nutiva Organic Extra-Virgin Coconut Oil in your stir fry, in a dressing, or blended into a smoothie.

2. Peppers & Pepper Flakes

Bell peppers offer a wealth of benefits for your health. First off, they’re great at boosting metabolism and helping your body burn more calories and fat. This can be a huge advantage on a fat loss plan. There’s also new research out suggesting that eating peppers on a regular basis can significantly lower your risk of a number of serious diseases, including Parkinson’s disease.

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