Sweet potato recipe


Try this easy soup recipe for an alternative way to enjoy sweet potato

Soup is usually associated with cold winter days, but it’s also a light yet filling option that can be just as appealing in the summer, too. Summer can pose some serious challenges to staying in shape (a glass of wine in the sun, anyone?) as well as some pressures to squeeze into short shorts, bikinis and the like.

It’s tough to stay healthy when it comes to food choices. But we’ve got this quick, easy and delicious recipe that’ll keep you on the wagon this coming summer. You could even make some extra portions to freeze for later. Genius!

Sweet potato and carrot soup

Serves 4-6


1 chopped onion

2-3 peeled and diced sweet potatoes

4 diced carrots

1 litre of bouillon stock

Spices to taste (cayenne pepper, paprika, cumin)

Salt and white pepper to taste


Fry off the onions in a large saucepan, then add the sweet potatoes and carrots.

Pour the stock into the saucepan – enough to cover the vegetables.

Place a lid on the saucepan and boil gently until the vegetables are soft.

Blend the ingredients together, seasoning with spices, salt and ground white pepper to taste.

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