Egg Shop Panini Rolls

Author Notes: This hybrid recipe came from testing variations of Parker House rolls and challah hamburger buns. We wanted something eggy yet super light and not too sweet. (…more) —Chef Nick Korbee

Makes 12 to 14 rolls

  • 500grams all-purpose flour (plus more for rolling)
  • 250grams cool water
  • 50grams whole milk
  • 50grams vegetable oil (plus more for the bowl)
  • 60grams whole egg (start with 1 beaten egg, then add more as needed)
  • 10grams pure cane sugar
  • 20grams wildflower or other floral honey
  • 7grams active dry yeast
  • 15grams kosher salt
  • 50grams heavy cream, for brushing the rolls
  1. Put the bowl of a stand mixer on a scale and weigh all the ingredients except the salt directly into the bowl (salt, acid, heat, and cold are the enemies of yeast).
  2. Attach the dough hook, set the bowl in the mixer, and mix the dough on the lowest speed for 5 minutes. When the dough begins to pull away from the sides of the bowl, sprinkle in the salt. Mix for another 7 minutes. You should have a smooth dough that pulls away from the bowl and clings slightly to the dough hook.
  3. Oil a medium bowl and place the dough in the bowl. Cover tightly with plastic wrap and let rise (bulk ferment) for 45 minutes at room temperature (70° to 72° F). The dough will double in size.
  4. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and portion into one dozen 70-gram pieces.
  5. Cover pieces with plastic wrap on the table as you work to prevent any drying. Form each piece into a ball by rolling against the table in the cup of your palm. To do this, pinch your thumb and fore finger together as if you were holding an invisible pencil and form a cup with the rest of your fingers. Hide the dough in the cup of your hand and trace tiny circles on the table with that invisible pencil. Don’t lift the base of your palm from the table or the dough might escape!
  6. Place the rolls on a parchment-lined baking sheet, brush lightly with oil, and cover with plastic wrap.
  7. If you plan on baking the rolls later (up to 2 days from now), you can refrigerate the tray. To bake them now, preheat the oven to 375° F and let the rolls proof nearby for 2 hours, or until they have doubled in size and do not spring back when gently poked.
  8. Brush the rolls with the cream, bake for 24 minutes, rotating the baking sheet halfway through the baking process. When the rolls are ready to rock, they will have a deep, golden-brown crust with a slight sheen and will feel quite light in the hand. Cool, then store appropriately.

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