Peach, Heirloom Tomato, and Burrata Salad


“Do every act of your life as though it were the very last act of your life.” ~Marcus Aurelius

Are you like me, where you seem to be hurdled through your life at an incredible pace? Where even weekends and vacations can be a series of activities that leave you exhilarated but exhausted? It’s so easy to truck through life on autopilot, instead of stopping to savor the moment. Alex and I gave a little talk on mindful eating this weekend and it was a fitting reminder to ourselves to slow down and be mindfully present.

And if there’s a place to be mindfully present, it’s with this salad. First, juicy, succulent ripe peaches and vibrant red, yellow and violet tomatoes that taste literally like summer. Then, burrata. The description on the container is: “fresh mozzarella cheese filled with shreds of mozzarella soaked in cream”. In my opinion, one of the best taste treats on the planet (we first had it here). Add some peppery garden basil and some crunchy, salty peanuts, and it’s one of those first bite “Whoa” moments. While burrata is a bit on the pricey side, it’s worth it for a special splurge – an appetizer for a summer meal on the patio, or a simple main course with some crusty bread or crackers. And if your diet restricts dairy, the salad is fabulous without it; the combination of savory tomato + sweet peach is remarkable in itself. It takes a few minutes to put together, and without much effort looks completely artful on a plate.

Ultra simple recipes that showcase the flavor of each component are my favorite, and this one hits the mark. I can rave on and on since it was the idea of my fabulous husband, who brought home a load of peaches. (Me: “How about peach crisp, peach pie, peach ice cream?” Alex: “Peach, tomato, and burrata salad?” Me: “Sold.”) Every bite was a reminder to slow down and savor the remaining bits of summer.

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