Are You Missing Out on Raw Almonds in Your Diet?

I’ve bought raw almonds before, but I never enjoyed them as much as roasted almonds.

They just weren’t as crunchy and I didn’t like the flavor as much.

Windy City Organics offered to send me some samples of their raw almond products, so I accepted the mission.

Would their raw almonds change my mind?

Why Their Raw Almonds are Different

Their Sun Biotics Raw Almonds are first soaked and sprouted before they are low temperature dried. They also toss them in a probiotic mixture for added nutrition.

When I sampled them, I discovered that they were nothing like the raw almonds I’ve experienced before. These were very crunchy and full of flavor.


The four varieties that I sampled were…

  1. Original– Just an unsalted almond flavor.
  2. Cheesy– Not real cheese, but flavored withnutritional yeast.
  3. Truffle– White truffle sea salt was used.
  4. Chocolate– Dusted with raw cacao and coconut sugar.

All of them are organic, gluten-free, and non-dairy as well.

The only complaint I had was that the Cheesy Almonds were a bit high in sodium at 170mg/1oz (28g) serving.

In my opinion, Sun Biotics were worlds above traditional raw almonds.

Raw Almond Butters


They also sent me a few samples of raw, stone ground almond butter to try.

  1. Dastony Organic Stone Ground Raw Almond Butter– Nice flavor and very smooth.
  2. RawMio Organic Vegan Chocolate Almond Butter– Nice chocolate flavor, but not overly sweet. Made with pure cacao nibs.

Nicole covered almond butters a few months ago and I think almond butters are for more of a healthier treat than something that should be a consistant part of the diet.

It’s very easy to eat a lot of it without even realizing.

Almond Butter is…

  • High in fat at 17 grams/2tbsp (28 grams)
  • Relatively low in other nutrients.
  • The chocolate variety adds 8 grams of sugar/2 tbsp

However, like I said, it’s a healthier treat meaning if you had to choose between a chocolate bar or chocolate almond butter as a treat, definitely go with the latter.

The Refreshing Tide of Change

It is so refreshing to see companies like Windy City who are bringing such pure, unprocessed products to the market place like their raw almond products.

Consumers never have had so many healthy products to choose from since more and more people are turning from America’s tainted food supply in order to embrace healthier, more natural options.

It makes me hopeful that in the future only the companies that produce clean food will remain standing and just imagine the impact that will have on America’s health.

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