Sports Performance Training Tips

3211597474_b9f69e5196-300x225Before his name was synonymous with scandal, Tiger Woods was known for his intense training regimen, and treating gold like a sport. Woods analyzed the muscles used in golf, and centralized his training on strengthening them.

Likewise, the sport you participate in should dictate how you train. To help you get started, here are three basic sports performance training tips you can apply to any sport.

Strengthen Your Core

The core is the body’s center of gravity and where all movement originates.

While there are conflicting definitions for what constitutes the core, a study published in Strength and Conditioning Journal defines the core musculature as, “…the 29 pairs of muscles that support the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex in order to stabilize the spine, pelvis, and kinetic chain during functional movements.”[1]

So how does strengthening the core improve sports performance? As the core gets stronger and trunk stability increases, so does exercise performance. One study took forty state level volleyball players with trunk instability and divided them into two groups.

Then, they underwent a nine week core strengthening program. At the end of nine weeks, the experimental group significantly enhanced trunk stability, block difference, and block jump compared to the control group.[2]

Think Creatine

If you‘re looking to take your sports performance training to the next level, consider adding creatine to your regimen.

Of all the supplements that manufacturers claim will improve sports performance, creatine stands far above the rest. It is the most researched supplement, and has several published articles supporting its effectiveness. [3], [4]

One study examined the effects of creatine combined with sodium bicarbonate on sprint performance in trained men. [5]

According to the study, “Combining creatine and sodium bicarbonate supplementation increased peak and mean power and had the greatest attenuation of decline in relative peak power over the 6 repeated sprints.”

Don’t Forget Flexibility

When training for better sports performance, flexibility is often neglected or ignored. According to the Mayo Clinic, however, “better flexibility may improve performance in physical activities or decrease your risk of injuries by helping your joints move through their full range of motion.” [6]

When incorporating flexibility into your sports training regimen, make sure any stretching or flexibility program is related to your sport. A study published in the journal Sports Medicine discovered a sport-dependent relationship between flexibility and athletic performance.[7]

The study also suggests an active warm up as a preventative measure against muscle strain and injury.

A Final Word On Food

Ultimately, the best possible tip on sports performance training is to closely monitor your diet. What you put into your body determines what you get out of it. Consult a sports nutritionist to find out the appropriate macronutrient ratios for your meals.

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