Fat Burning Cardio Workout – 37 Minute Fitness Blender Cardio Workout at Home

Exercise For Weight Loss

Fat Burning Cardio Workout – 37 Minute Fitness Blender Cardio Workout at Home

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Is it true swimming is not the best exercise for weight loss?

I heard swimming isn’t the best exercise if you’re trying to lose weight because of the temperature of the water. I am trying to lose weight and would like to swim, but not if it is not a good exercise for weight loss. Any thoughts?

exercise for weight loss best answer:

Answer by kilo
Why would the temperature of the water affect weight loss at all?

Use common sense here: if you want to lose weight, then you burn more calories than you consume.

Does swimming in cold water burn the same amount of calories as swimming in warm water? Probably not but, in the end it actually it only depends on how hard you work yourself. Bottom line: the harder you train, the faster you will lose weight.

Swimming is great for weight loss. It’s a great aerobic exercise that works both cardio and all your muscles.

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