This Is a Master SoulCycle Instructor’s Favorite At-Home Workout

Post-Workout stretches at home

Don’t you hate when the weather gets really gross out, and you can’t really imagine having to gather your gear, gas up the car and drive in slippery traffic to the fitness studio? It can be really challenging, to say the least. Here are my go-to fitness tips to help you fight weight gain and maintain your muscle tone — even when you can’t get to the gym.

First things first: Always make sure that you stock your refrigerator with healthy food choices before any stretch of bad weather. If you don’t, you’re more likely to order greasy delivery (hello, pizza) or turn to chips or other processed snacks you probably have lying around. Load your fridge full of fruits and veggies, and snack healthy during storms.

Next: Plan ahead by dusting off your old in-home gym mats, weights and any other bands or balls you haven’t used in awhile. You will be more motivated to use them if they’re clean and ready to go. I have a drawer at home with 3 lb. weights, stretch bands and my old Shawn T workout DVDs — all of which are available on Amazon for $20 or less.

Finally: Commit to an at-home workout. My philosophy is that everyone has at least 10 minutes to spare, so no excuses. I’m going to share my personal home sweat circuit, which you can repeat depending on how much time you have. If you follow this workout every single day — and continue to make healthy eating choices — you should be able to keep up your fitness without leaving your home.

Always consult a physician before you begin any new exercise regime, and know your limitations. Never do anything that compromises your safety.


Grab your equipment: a mat, some light-weight dumbbells (soup cans also work!) and a music player.

Select three or four high-energy songs that get you going — I like “Shape of You” by Ed Sheeran, “Find a Way” by Bell Biv DeVoe and “Pets” by Deadmau5 — and hit play.

Song #1:

Warm up with jumping jacks.

Song #2:

Pump out as many quick-paced push-ups as you can. If you need to drop your knees, do it! When you tire and start to lose your form, flip onto your back.

Start on your sit-ups, and be sure to keep your shoulders off the ground. You don’t have to come all the way up, just make sure you’re feeling it in your core — not your neck or back.

Song #3:

Hold the weights (or cans) and get ready to box. Punch left, punch right, uppercut left, uppercut right, punch overhead left, punch overhead right — and repeat through the whole song. Keep your abs engaged and reach your arms long with each punch. Don’t let your home environment distract you — focus on the reason you’re doing this. Repeat the circuit two, three or even four times, depending on your fitness level and available time. Have fun with it!

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